About Us
About Us
The UGM (United Generation Ministry) is an itinerant evangelical ministry. It organizes seminars, conferences and evangelistic meetings for the unity of Christ’s church and the spiritual revival worldwide.
During the meetings, souls are saved, the sick are healed, and GOD operates various miracles and manifests His power to impact people’s lives. The ministry also engages in social activities by helping the needy.
In the field is where we connect and explore the faith with others who are also on the journey.
It’s where we are able to discover how we can serve God. At UGM, we are growing to be more Christ like and we have various Ministries which we would like you to be a part of. Please take some time and see where you might want to be involved, as you become part of what we are.
To be a generation of people who lead Nations, Cities and neighborhoods to understand the importance of unity, prayer, and the gospel of Jesus-Christ. To create a platform for leaders to change the destiny of generations through the power of salvation.