Leadership & Biography

Leadership and biographies

Oba Henri Bleteh is a co-founder of United Generation Ministry.  A native of Ivory Coast, he has served diligently in ministry since his childhood.  God used his experiences and His teaching to anoint him to develop disciples, lead people to salvation, and also empower and equip others to fulfill God’s divine-ordained purpose in their life in faith.  Henri believes in the transformative power of the Holy Ghost, and with Gods anointing, he ministers to people to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirits power through redemption, restoration, revelation and demonstration.

His ministry is based on the scripture “God has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus” 2 Tim 1:9, and if we believe in Christ, we shall perform greater works than He (John 14: 12).

Henri is committed to winning souls for Christ and uses preaching to provide Gods divine Word to address matters important to salvation and human existence, and for practical application.  His focus is always on the glory of God!

When Henri later responded to the Lords calling on his life and was licensed to preach, he not only preached the Gospel, but he used his prior experience to teach pastors and members about the structure and functioning of the local. He currently empowers of the importance of the message of the Great Commission of God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Also his anointing and experience has gifted him with an ability to help people, both new Christians and those seasoned in Christ, to prepare for, adapt to, and experience transformation spiritually, economically, professionally and socially in accordance to the Lord.

Henri is currently living in the state of Washington with his wife Allyson and his Josiah.

Isaac is a co-founder of United Generation Ministry.  Born in a muslim family in Ivory Coast, the man of God Isaac Souare met the Lord Jesus Christ at a young age through an extraordinarily experience with Holy Spirit in Ivory Coast. “God chooses grace rather than works” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

His love and passion for the Good News of the kingdom opened the doors of announcing this message of Grace to many families, villages, Cities, Countries and Nations.  “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature… ” (Mark 16:15-20).  Persecuted but not abandoned, humiliated but not rejected, killed and buried, but risen with Christ.  Jesus Christ is indeed the Center of his life. Isaac is living in Belgium with his lovely princess Jemima and their blessed daughter Ann-Splendide.